Day 111 Thursday 26.iv.2018

Day 111 seems like it ought to be special.

Rebecca is a gyrovague (the translation of the Rule I downloaded last night calls them landlopers, which is a literal translation of sorts, but has none of the power). Ask Laurence what one does about gyrovagues. Benedict just seems to say forget about them, along with Saraibites (why didn't he 'translate' that!) and focus on Cenobites - good monks, basically.

I wonder if he remembers the note I sent him when I was at Monte Oliveto 10 years ago, telling him to retire. I had an appointment to see him, but sent the note instead. Probably not; he must get a lot of notes from nutters. Or my email (or Jacqueline Russel's) about my vision at Mehetabel. He told me best not to talk about it. He was right.

Felicity, from Fr L - find another J and talk to him. Talk to your priest in CA (about the christening and her loss / lack of belief).

John Manson - loads to/from UK. Or loadup. Take my stupid calor gas cylinders back and get a refund on them. That's worth about £40.

Get some decent fucking lights.

Chris Clarke about Curtis Banks. call him. He got paid enough for putting me in there.

Perfect porridge for one. Small non-stick frying pan. Whisky tumbler of oats. 1 and half tumblers of water. Half teaspoon salt. Bring mixture to a boil, stirring, simmer on a low heat for 5 mins, long enough for the oats to take up most of the water. Turn off gas and leave to stand, covered, while drinking fag and smoking coffee. Add milk and golden browwn sugar. Voila.

Reading the Rule. Ben has a bit of a sense of humour bypass - doesn't approve of the craic at all. And obedience and humility - bit of abbot speak. He has an agenda - traumatised by his first experiences with the saraibites. But . . .

talking smiley stone. excellent meeting (w/out RB). No grief, perfectly nice shares, daily tasks sorted in 5 minutes boo-boom, and other jobs allocated. Then a talk from Laurence, mainly directed at the volunteers, about John Main, Laurence himself (he became a monk at almost exactly the same time I went into an ashram, only he (sort of) stayed in) and the history of WCCM and how important a step Bonnevaux is for WCCM. And he gave us each a lovely icon of Jesus Pandocrator from St Catherine's in Sinai, made in the 5th century. It seems incredibly modern and lifelike, most unlike most icons, which look more like cartoons to me.

Then he and I had a conference (chat doesn't seem to do it justice) talking about what I wanted to do, how and when my postulancy might start and finish, if we decide I am to go on to do the year's novitiate what that would involve and when. Probably start when Laurence comes back in July. We talked for about an hour and a half. Andrew had good meetings with him too and is confident Laurence understands the situation and that he (Andrew) clearly has authority over RB and Bonnevaux generally - he, not Rebecca, is ultimately responsible for the volunteers, and she reports to him, not directly to Laurence and Giovanni. Which is a great relief. Andrew is laying down the ground rules to RB in emails (when she comes, when and what volunteers come etc) - we shall see. I think everyone got the message we are very concerned about the fragile and under-resourced community at this stage. We cannot cope with unnecessary grief. We can support people, but they need to play by the rules. Laurence wants to help Rebecca, but he recognises there have to be firm and clear boundaries and expectations. Maybe I could offer her the caravan next time she's here and I'll go and stay in the lodge. Be a sort of holiday for me (I'll be away in Greece most of the time she's here).

I prepped for midday med, and Laurence led, and broke all the rules - random psalms and readings from all over, which was quite funny after he'd told me what I'd got wrong the night before (antiphons after not before Glory Be's, Our Father in wrong place, wrong opening prayer). Then I washed up lunch and went off in the Astra on a long but ultimately successful hunt for gas, fire extinguishers and blankets (another big brico - RoyMerlin in Chassneuil du Poitou, near Bricodepot - not as good but at least they told me where Azur 86, the motorhome (no-one has caravans here apart from me) accessories place was, where I got three decent fucking lights and they stocked 600W inverters for 59 euros! Came away with their catalogue for future reference. No word as yet from Photonics - hope they've sent me mine, after I sent them the dosh on Tuesday. Festina lente! bit late now. I could be running my fridge already and saved 40 euros.

Pumped up my driver side front tyre - it was so low profile it looked completely flat, down to 1 bar. I've pumped both front tyres to 2.5 bar, no idea what that is in p.s.i. but it felt much better coming home. Hope the rim's not fucked (although it would be good to fit normal rims / tyres if I can afford it).

As I left Marie Dominique (why do so many French people have two names?) was getting in a panic. Laurence had still not left, his sat nav wasn't working, and he had to drive to Tours to catch his plane back to the UK and she didn't think he'd make it. I said smugly he just had to follow the signs to Tours and then the airport, but he probably can't drive away from Bonnevaux without the satnav to tell him where to go. I assume he made it.

Got back in time for evening med and then supper. Daniel the South American had undercooked the beans (they were like bullets) fortunately not red kidney, and he admitted his mum soaked them overnight. He's probably pining after Rebecca and too distraught to cook.

Moneygram won't let me send Stuart any money, but refuse to tell me why (as Western Union did last time). I've obviously committed some heinous crime and I've been blacklisted. Funny since I can send him the money via Triodos or the CoOp, only it'll cost me £25 which seems silly since I'm only sending him £100. It's kafkaesque - they say I've broken their terms and conditions, but they won't tell me which term or condition I've broken, or how. They just said go away. I wonder what would happen if I went into a Moneygram or Western Union agent and sent it the old fashioned way.

Talked to Andrew after supper, and so to bed. Fitted my new LED lights, which are blinding me as a I write.

I just got very excited - thought there were sangliers outside my caravan, so I crept out with my torch, but it was only Bertie howling at the moon, not sounding very cat like at all. I'll have to go out on a midnight stalk. Minnie was supposed to go to the vet's at 8 this morning but she obviously knew that was coming and escaped last night so they couldn't starve her. She's going to be done, about bloody time. So I got to have my breakfast porridge after all - shame, could have collared something meaty in Coulombiers while Delyth delivered her to the vet. We were given 3 hamburgers last night in honour of Laurence's visit (he didn't even have one - not surprising since they were like 3 lumps of shoe leather).

Westcott are threatening to cut my nadgers off if I don't pay them £40 by Saturday, when we had clearly agreed I would pay them as usual on May 10th. And I'm going to reduce the payment to £30 (caravan expenses like gas, and travel back to UK). Infamy infamy. What is it about money people? Curtis Banks still saying nothing, so I spoke to Chris Clarke's lot today and asked them to stick something up CB's jaxi. Don't suppose Kirsty will, she sounded far too nice (i.e. wet).

In bed, under my super bright new light, drinking black tea and eating these rather tasty mini chorizo sausages, a bit like very upmarket pepperamis - my midnight meat treat. Must get some choc ices to put in my lovely cold fridge. An added bonus is that running the fridge on gas helps keep the caravan warm. Although it's been sunny today, it's still jolly cold. I'll listen to Belle's podcast for a bedtime story.

Gradually running down my stock of NA beer. Try something else for a treat drink. I've got limes and tonic water, and angostura somewhere.
